Andrej Lukić


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Some basic information:

Name: Andrej

Last name: Lukić

Date of birth: 21.4.1999.

Location: Vukovar/Croatia

Age: 22

Nationality: Croatian

Programming skills:


Game Engines:

3D Modeling and animations:

Other softwere:


Email: 📧

My previous work

Before I was a Game Developer I work as a 112 operator in my hometown.

From a young age, I wanted to make games so I decided to quit my job and start my journey as a Game Developer.

I first started to make games just to practice and didn’t quite make any money on these games.

Later I found out that there is an education in Novska that teaches people how to be Game Developers.

So I applied and got accepted. After a couple of months, I make my first money by creating a realistic simulator.

On 13 of Jun 2021, I participated in the Hackathon game jam that was organized by GameChuck and ManpowerGroup.

I and my team won that competition and earn some money and on top of that made some business deals along the way.


I have graduated from law school in Croatia in 2018, 2 years later I have applied for a job as a 112 operator in my hometown.

In 2020 I got a degree in my profession as after one year on probation work I had to take an exam for this position.

When 2021 came along I started to participate in 6 month-long education about Game Development.

1 of August 2021 I finished education and got a diploma in Game Development.

My accomplishments

I have participated in many game jams that include locally in my community or global games jams in a variety of game jam themes.

Recently in Croatia ManpowerGroup and GameChuck organized a game jam with a theme to make a simulation in Unity.

I and my team won that competition and were also rewarded with a bonus place for the most innovative and realistic simulation in that competition.

The purpose of this competition is to reward the best team with a cash reward and also offer them an opportunity to work on this project from the competition.